Cybersecurity Training - Career Tips - Resume Writing & Interviewing

Cybersecurity Training - Career Tips - Resume Writing & Interviewing

Resume Tips:

General Tips:

  • Understand there are many areas of information security and cybersecurity. There is more out there than just pentesting!
  • Understand that you need to be able to communicate to both a technical audience and a non-technical (executive level) audience. The key to this is understanding what metrics and considerations are most important to whomever you are speaking to.
  • Honesty is appreciated in the interview; if you donā€™t know an answer, thatā€™s fine. You can say you donā€™t know the answer, but you can provide an answer at a later time.
  • Networking within the infosec/IT community is important; getting advice and insight from others in the industry will provide you with a more well-rounded view of different ways of doing things.
  • If interested in Pentesting:
    • Do a pentest and develop a report; post it on your GitHub as a sample work reference
      • Embedding a Canary token is the next level, if youā€™re bold šŸ˜Ž

General Mistakes:

  • Not focusing on critical thinking skills, asking why, and trying to understand why.
    • Good FAQ questions means you are connecting the dots and you are providing what the customer wants
  • Neglecting speaking and writing skills.
    • If you cannot communicate takeaways or actions (i.e remediation) you will have a challenging time affecting change in the organization
    • Have to relate to your audience (i.e. CEOs who might not have a tech background)
  • Not researching the industry and the various roles within information security.
  • Donā€™t apply for positions you are obviously not qualified for
    • Makes HR mangers cynical; treat it as more transaction as opposed to dealing with individual people
    • Well curated positions and make sure its what you are actually looking for
  • Being abrasive when asking for help
  • People neglecting their LinkedIn Profile
    • What you did, what you were responsible for
    • Have bullet points that are relevant to the position you held; highlight key takeaways from each position
  • Negating to have a learning path (how to advance your career or certification path)
    • Layout with a timeline where you would like to be with the goals in your learning path
    • Donā€™t do certifications just for the purpose of having them; you should learn and understand they why. Learning the skills make the certifications worth it. Its more impressive that you understand the information v.s. having the certification.